Group of ladies that get together to make items for charities and local nursing homes, such as: Operation St. Nick and quilts of valor.
Wonder Kids is a class for kdg.-3rd grade where some of your child's wonders can be explored through different activities and books. This month's theme will be Fairy Tale Challenges. This event will be held in the meeting room.
Image Release
Image Release: The Coal City Public Library District reserves the right for staff to photograph and video record all events and activities for promotional purposes.
Teens ages 14-19 can register for a bus trip to Illinois State University to see the 2025 Gamma Phi Circus as they razzle dazzle you with daring feats of acrobatics and stunning displays of grace and flexibility.
Image Release
Image Release: The Coal City Public Library District reserves the right for staff to photograph and video record all events and activities for promotional purposes.